Get Healthy
3m 52s
The most important step for long-term change involves building a healthy lifestyle around your new freedom. To recap, the best ways to do this involve:
-Incorporating the insights from the self-care worksheet into everyday living.
-Setting goals further out into the future to give you healthy targets to shoot for.
-Giving priority to your mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
-Investing in your core relationships.
-Always having someone in your life who can help you when you need it most.
Revisit your self-care worksheet from the Get Smart module. What do you need to implement or add to create a healthy lifestyle.
What relationship goals do you have for the next 6 months that have nothing to do with this struggle?
What work or school goals do you have for the next 6 month season that have nothing to do with this struggle?
Can you see 5 years into your future? Think through what you would like to see in these specific areas and what you can do now to make sure you arrive at some healthy places down the line.
**IMPORTANT: Download the FREE Workbook here: **